Monday, 25 April 2011


Center for International Collaborative Programmes (CICP)

SRM University strives to set standards in providing international exposure to students, leveraging its global connections. Recently, SRM demonstrated unique success in sponsoring a large number of meritorious students for a semester abroad program (SAP) to top universities including MIT, Carnegie Mellon, University of Wisconsin, UC Davis, Warwick and Western Australia. This helped the students to secure admission into Masters / Ph.D Programs in best universities like Cornell, Carnegie, Colombia, Yale, Purdue, Georgia, UC Davis and others. Plus, a few of them already started getting top salaries: US $ 89,000 and $ 200, 000. Now, SRM is making concerted efforts to expand the scope in collaborative programs such as Dual and Twining degrees with leading universities across the world.

Dual Degree

This provides an unique opportunity to students to secure bachelors/ masters degree from overseas in lesser time and at lower cost. Student, after spending initial years at SRM in B.Tech, M.Tech and MBA, proceed overseas to secure Bachelors and Masters Degree - as the case may be.

Benefits of Dual Degree

Besides shorter tenure for Masters degree, this program benefits students in many ways:
  • Significantly lowers the cost to secure Masters degree overseas
  • Unique opportunity to pursue part of Bachelors degree overseas
  • GRE/ GMAT requirement is waived in some cases
  • Brightens the future with clear set goals even at entry level
  • Parents would have enough time to organize funds
  • The progress can be constantly reviewed to provide adequate support
  • Gaining 1 year for MS can result in an additional earning of Rs 30 lacs

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