Tuesday, 26 April 2011

SEMESTER ABROAD PROGRAM (SAP): 104 students were sponsored in 2008 for a semester at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, UC Davis, Wisconsin and Western Australia...

 Respected Sir,

I am Mehul Oswal (Reg No: 11908025), 3rd Year Aerospace student sponsored by SRM University for a semester abroad at MIT, Boston for the Fall term 2010.
Sir, words and lines would be too small & too short to describe what SRM has done for me by selecting me to undertake a semester here and offering a financial scholarship of Rs 5 lacs to help me in the tuition fees here.
Had this encouragement not been there I would probably have not seen an institution as wonderful as M I T. But let me simultaneously convey my feelings that had my grooming of first 2 years at Aerospace dept at SRM not been there it would not have been possible for me to score a GPA of 5 on a scale of 5, here at MIT.
My performance in the fall semester enabled me to get an extension here for one more term, Spring 2011. I have just got the extension approved by MIT.
This term would get over by end of May after which I will return for my final year at SRM and would pay my regards in person then, for this wholehearted support and endeavour offered by SRM, Aerospace Dept,teachers and management staff to me.
I look forward to coming back to SRM in June 2011. 
Thanking you with warm regards,
Mehul Oswal, MIT Special Student Fall 2010

 Respected Sirs,

Humble Pranam from Parents of Mehul Oswal
Sir, I read the mails sent by the Hon�ble Distinguished, Renowned & Top Brass of SRM Management to my son on his performance at MIT.
Sir this acclaim and kudos belong more to SRM and the environment given to him which helped him to reach this stage in 2010 � 2011 from a Young dazed and confused lad when he joined SRM 2008.
Sir as has been tracked by us SRM and its Management believes in encouraging and supporting and as well as truly appreciating the deserved ones which acts as a fuel for them to get motivated and perform even in a challenging academic and sometimes impersonal environment like that at MIT.
Sir at SRM our Son was made really tough and all weather proof. His efforts stood perpetually motivated & appreciated by giving Scholarship virtually in every term, sponsoring him with financial support for SAP at MIT and waiving his term fees during his study there.
Sir you all at SRM are navigating the careers of young budding Engineers so that there true potential gets properly appraised, assessed and zenithed. They are made to learn values and meaning of life.
Sir, we may be just the Janamdattas but you all are his Karmadatta, this contentions gets exemplified by your appreciating his efforts and sanctioning of additional scholarship of Rupees Five lacs instantly right in the mid of the night.
Sir I and my family are over whelmed by this response of supporting my son and your feeling genuinely happy with his performance and looking forward even to help him in future when he returns is very soothing and rare in this Ghor Kalyug.
Would it not be too na�ve to record that if the above facts are perused it would get suggested that the True and Real recipients of all the kudos and acclaim /respect should belong to SRM Management, Staff & Each & Every body who has helped Mehul to give this performance at MIT.
We hope that these Blessings and Words of Appreciation are available to him in future and always, in turn I assure you all that he & we both would remain obliged for life for this extraordinary help / support & understanding.
Once again do accept our Thanks & Deep Gratitude for shaping the career of my son Mehul and thousands like him so selflessly and devotedly and with passion unlimited. 
With very very Warm Regards & Deep Appreciation,
Shirish and Namitta Oswal, Parents of Mehul Oswal

Hi ,
Thanks for your kind words. Pranav Sood's team just came in second (by less than a second) In the 6.270 robots contest, and he was very helpful to me yesterday at the orientation.
Anne, Administrator, EECS Undergraduate and M.Eng. Programs

 I'm happy to share with you that Sahil and I have started working on the 'Mars Gravity' project. This project is a five week mission aimed at sending a student designed satellite into orbit with mice in it and observe the effect of micro gravity on mammals. The long term aim of the project is to send man to mars. We are designing the lixit water system for this satellite. The payload is being designed at MIT and we are in the hardware development team. The launch vehicle for the satellite is being developed at Georgia Tech. The satellite is currently scheduled to be launched next year in June and you can get more details about the project on the following website: http://www.marsgravity.org
And for this purpose the project team had requested us to stay back and work on it for the next semester as well. It would have been great if we could stay back and work on this really exciting project but due to financial constraints and SRM obligations, I guess we will have to return in February. All of us would hopefully gain extension soon for the Interactive Activities Period in January. Having spent a semester at MIT, we are eligible to attend the IAP at no extra cost.
I got the result at MIT - and have scored 4.3 on 5.0 again. 
Agrim (Mech) at MIT, USA

 We got the result and my GPA now stands at 4.7 on 5. Thank you so much for everything! All this would not have been possible without your help! 
Prathna Srinivas & Deepika (BioTech) at MIT, USA

 My experience here has been amazing. I have met so many passionate souls here who really want to change society. Their thinking and ideas are so revolutionary. I have been so busy here with all my work that I didn't realize that I have already spent four months here. 
Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I really appreciate your support, as you have helped me realize my potential.
Abha Sharma (ECE) at MIT, USA

 I just wanted to let you know that everything is going fine here. Everyone is busy now that it is mid term time. We have all completed our applications and are hoping for really good results.
I was thinking that SAP students could give a presentation, to their respective departments, about how SAP has influenced their lives and how it is helping with the admissions. It is a great boon in many ways... 
Priyatha Premnath (Biomedical) at UC Davis, USA

 A few of us have started working on research projects here. When the research paper is published, our names would be on it. It would also help the professors to get to know us better, thus enabling us to gain recognition.
On a personal front, I am doing really well. I have settled in well and have started feeling at home here. I have made so many friends here. Americans are so easy to befriend. From an academic perspective, all the three professors who are handling courses for me now know me personally. I have been doing well in class and in assignments too. I have started a project under Dr. Ludaeschar, Data Management, Dr. Kenneth Joy, graphics and Prof Su, programming languages.
They have asked me to add my current research experience to my profile. So it all looks very encouraging. 
Ajay (CSE) at UC Davis, USA

 We have completed our first quarter at UC Davis and as we move on to our second quarter, we are excited about our projects as we will be doing them here. I wanted to thank you for your continuous support and encouragement and the wonderful opportunity provided. I am taking the projects for credits and I am taking just one more subject so that I can dedicate more time to the lab.  
Poornima (Genetic Engg) at UC Davis, USA

 We have settled down well and are doing good. Our regular classes are going on in full swing. We have got accustomed to studying 20 hrs, which was hectic initially. The people here are extremely polite and helpful. Apart from academics, there is so much more, we've learnt. It's like the whole personality gets molded better. It feels good to be independent, though it requires a lot of work too. 
Varshaa (CSE) at UWM, USA

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